Friday, August 12, 2011

Waterfall Near Me

Waterfall by Brooks Gallman

The photo is far from perfect, but the place couldn't be more. Surrounded by nature, and the people you love. It really doesn't get much better. It took us about an hour to get to this spot, but for a small swimming hole equipped with a beautiful waterfall, it was worth it. Coming to this place got me thinking about all the places near to us we never visit. Often, we are surrounded by opportunities to visit places that people from around the world travel to, but take them for granted and never visit. This place is like that for me. I know it is there, but just don't take advantage of the blissful location created for us. Maybe the moral to the story for me is, maybe I should stop looking everywhere else and start looking around me. It is probably right here close by.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Workplace Prayer

Workplace Graphic by Brooks Gallman

The other day, I was searching for a prayer to say while I was at work. As I searched, I came across this workplace prayer and it really spoke to me. I guess after that, I was in a creative mood because I started searching for ways to graphically represent the words and with some creative help from the internet and my coworker, came up with this. I definitely like it and hope you do to.